Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy friday!

Well i guess Friday is about over now:(
But what a beautiful day it was! I met up with my best friend from school today and had lunch with her family! I hadn't seen her dad and her sis in YRS! so it was soooooo nice to be included in with her family!
Thank you Rachel!

I have some auctions going!
and I just put up 3 new fairies!
One of which i am pretty partial to and almost didn't list her! But well.......

any of you that know my fairies, and well have been to my site to read the story on a special little fairie named maddy, you are in for a treat! I THINK!
I was finally able to capture the "MADDY" in another little fairie and here she is!

for those of you that don't know the story of maddy just go to my site and click on fantasy. The story is at the bottom of the page!

Anyway little mushroom maddy as i call her is on ebay right now!
So check her out!

Have a wondeful weekend everyone!

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