Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New year!

I just wanted to wish you all a very happy and safe new year!
Thank you ALL for making 2009 a great year here @ Kind clay!

I put some of my last figures for 2009 up on ebay!

I am soooooooooooo excited to get some ready for 2010~!
Stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
be on the look out for fairies, and other little critters!

Be safe and Happy new year!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Twas the Night before Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tinny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"


Friday, December 18, 2009

Its almost here............

WOW time flies!
Its almost christmas!!!
i am pretty excited!
I am all caught up on my orders, sis's last day of school is today, and its almost christmas!

So now that i am all caught up.......I'll still be taking orders over the holidays!
i am so excited!!!!
yeah i am excited to work! can you believe that! I guess i love what i do:)
and also this will give me a chance to get some ebay stuff done and up!

I'll also be posting some new centers up on the site as well!
Hopefully today or tomorrow?

until next time!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

new goodies!!!!!

alright so i just got done updating my site, posting some ebay auctions and now i am ready to call it a day!

I've put some new Janie and jack made to match up on my site!

and I have also made some earring to match gymbo winter ballerina!
My eyes hurt! heheheheheh

I also put some Fairie snowflake ornaments up!
I still have some left if anyone is interested in them they are $12.99 plus shipping!
Just send me a message or leave a comment!
I guess that is it for now!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Ordering for christmas!

I just wanted to also so that I will stop taking orders for christmas on Dec 14th.
That will be JUST for things that you would want for christmas. That way I can get it to you on time!
I'll still take orders but just can't guarantee them for the holidays.

If you have any questions ask:)

DECEMBER!!!!!!!!!! ALREADY!!!!????????

WOW! I can't believe its december already!!!
my little went back to school yesterday after her thanksgiving vacation and they were talking about dates and years and all that....she was like mommy its still 2009! I was like yeah it is! then it hit me! IN another month it will be 2010!!! I about freaked! LOL
Where has this year gone!?! I mean really?!

I did manage to get some goodies listed on ebay!

And I finally got some new beads/bow centers listed on my site as well!
I hope to get some more up real soon!
Hopefully tomorrow!

Well i guess that is about it!
Until next time!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, November 23, 2009


WEll its thanksgiving week!!!!
So much to do so little time! I really look forward to this time of year and being with family and friends! Although there are times I think of Thanksgivings/christmas's past.
I will always cherish those memories with my grandparents and other family members that have passed. It was wonderful growing up with such a wonderful family and for FAMILY is what i am thankful for!
Without my parents, my hubby, my little girl, I honestly don't know what i would do.
They can drive you nuts sometimes but in the end they are the ones that love you unconditionally! and not much can change that!
I am also thankful for all of you that like my work! Without you all there would be NO KINDCLAY! Its every single one of you that keeps me at the clay table creating more and more! SO THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!!! LOVE YOU ALL!

I've posted some new auctions on EBAY!
And i have some goodies on etsy, and I have also updated my website a little.
I hope to have some more new lines up this week!

The Craft show was saturday and IT Was awesome!!!
I got to see/talk to some people/friends and it was really nice!
Not to mention i sold a few things too:)
Thank you all that came out to check everything out!!!!

Alright time to get to work! Raina has school today and tomorrow then they are off for the rest of the week! So I have ALOT to do in these next 2 days! LOL

Monday, November 9, 2009

New goodies are up!

WOW What a weekend!!!!!
I am sooooooooo thankful that it is over!
Hubby's been under the weather and then raina came down with some nasty stuff friday after school and well lets just say I have had to be the strong one and I'm not handling it well!

ON top of all that I have orders i NEED to get done!
Thankfully Raina was feeling better today and I was allowed to clay and get a few things out!
What a relief!
And I even got a chance to get some new goodies up on my site!

Alright off to get some more goodies done!

HUGS to you all:)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Please help....!!!!

I usually don't do this but.......

Bill Ledford is competeing in a contest on CMT.
He is under the Jack Ingram category down to the bottom.

If you get a chance please vote for him!

Bill went to my high school and he is a really cool person!
He's always been into music for as long as i can remember!

You can also check out his other music here!

Thanks you guys!!!! YOur vote means alot!!!!!!


Mid week yet so much to do:) hehehehehe
It'll all be good though....I HOPE!

Been working hard on centers and beads and stuff for the craft show Nov. 21st!
I hope it all pays off....i get so nervous about shows. I guess that is why i only do one a year!

I just wanted to let you all know about this site.....
She has been kind enough to put my goodies on her site!
If you go look be sure to leave a comment and by doing that you will be entered into a contest!:)

Well I MUST get back to work! For those that are patiently waiting for your goodies.....THANK YOU FOR BEING SO PATIENT!!

Friday, October 30, 2009

It's NO trick........

Yes I finally had a chance to up date my website with some new bow centers/beads!
What a treat right?!?! heheheheh
I'm just glad I had a chance to do it!

Its been a crazy month!
And to think that thanksgiving and christmas are just around the corner! eeekkkkk

For those of you that are in my area.....I will be setting up at a craft show in Montpelier, OH on November 21st. If you would like more details let me know:)

I also had a chance to meet up with some friends from school! And one i haven't seen for probably close to 20 yrs! It was really nice meeting up with him and his family!
It was a nice trip down memory lane!
We all had a wonderful time I think:)

Happy Halloween everyone!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Time flies....

When you're having fun!
I can't believe that October is almost over!
before long it will be thanksgiving and spending the holidays with family!
I LOVE this time of year but it seems to go so fast!

The trees are really turning here and its getting much cooler!
But I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got finished putting some new centers up on my site.
And I also put a few goodies up on ebay today as well!
I haven't had a lot of time to get some things listed on there but I try to keep a couple things up!
I hope you all have a wonderful evening!!!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


alright i just took a few minutes outta my day to put the new centers up!
I have some new Gymboree, Crazy 8 and some new cheerleader samples up!!


Oppsss HAPPY FALL!!!!!!!

I also wanted to wish you all a HAPPY FALL:)

I love this time of year! Its totally my favorite!!!!!


New auctions:)

I've posted some new auctions!!!!
I have a couple froggies! Hector seems to really want to be turned into a prince!
So he must make a love potion to get someone to kiss him to turn him into that handsome prince....that is until EMILEE showed up! The sweet little girly frog! So maybe being a frog isn't so bad after all:)

I've also put some monkeys, snowmen, and a ginger up as well!
I am workin on some fairies for next week hopefully!!!!

I will also be adding some new centers to my website this week. I've got them done just need to bake them and get pictures:) So won't be too long!

so until next time........Have fun:)

Friday, September 11, 2009

They're up!!!

The new centers are finally up!
I also put some new earrings up as well on my site!!!!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Its thursday?!?! Where did this week go?
I feel like I've gotten NOTHING accomplished!
Uggggggg LOL

I've got some new little fairies up on ebay! I guess i did manage to get THEM listed!
there are also some gingerbread and some made to match earrings!
I am pretty excited about the fairies!

I think they turned out pretty cute!!! YOu can click on the picture to go to the auctions!

I'll be posting the new Made to match goodies for Gymboree on my website HOPEFULLY tonight! If not then in the Morning:) So be on the look out for those!

Well I better get back to work!
HUGS and LOVE! Until next time:)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What a week!!!

Well my little girly started school tuesday! She is in Kindergarten!!
She TOTALLY LOVES IT! but today she was bummed because a little boy in her class was tryin to get her Wendy dog. She doesn't understand why he kept picking on her.
I was like well sis....boys are a little different! LOL They LOVE to pick!
So i told her about when i was her age and my neighbor boy, caleb always picking on me.


I've got the website updated finally!
I've got bow centers, figurines, gingerbreads, personalized goodies, and a few more things up!
I'm tired of typing so i will end here!
Its been a long week!


Thursday, August 6, 2009

I miss you grandpa!

HI all!!!
I just realized that 15 yrs ago today my grandfather passed away.
We had been away on a trip and we got word that he was very sick. We did make it home to be with him before he passed. So in that thought......We miss you grandpa! I miss our trips to the barn together, feeding the kittens, and you making your leather key chains, and zipper pulls. I am thankful for the time i got to spend with you and thankful you had the patience to teach me to make the zipper pulls. I just wish i would have been a little older and would have learned to make your key rings! I guess that is something i have to learn myself though:) LOVE YOU!!!!!

On a brighter note.....
I have posted some new M2M Janie and jack on the site as well as some gymboree.
I have some gingerbread up for auction on ebay just posted lastnight.

*** PLEASE NOTE FOR THE WEEK OF 8-10 through 8-15*****
I'll be kinda taking the week off. I will still be taking orders but those orders made during that time may be delayed a week. Its our last week before raina starts Kindergarten. And well we haven't taken a vacation this year so Hubby and I decided that he would take the week off and we could go to the zoo and all that fun stuff! Yeah summer has went TOO fast and we have had other projects going on and nothing like waiting till the last week.....
But i just wanted you all to know that i will still be taking orders but they will be delayed a bit. Not too long. she will be going all day so that first week of school i plan to get ALOT done!
If you have any questions please ask!!!!

have a good weekend everyone!!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

New updates....

I just wanted to let you all know that I have updated the site!
I will also have some goodies on ebay hopefully tomorrow evening!
Was gonna do it tonight but well........yeah....anyway........

I have some new M2m goodies updated so if your bored check them out:)
have a good evening!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Happy friday!

Well i guess Friday is about over now:(
But what a beautiful day it was! I met up with my best friend from school today and had lunch with her family! I hadn't seen her dad and her sis in YRS! so it was soooooo nice to be included in with her family!
Thank you Rachel!

I have some auctions going!
and I just put up 3 new fairies!
One of which i am pretty partial to and almost didn't list her! But well.......

any of you that know my fairies, and well have been to my site to read the story on a special little fairie named maddy, you are in for a treat! I THINK!
I was finally able to capture the "MADDY" in another little fairie and here she is!

for those of you that don't know the story of maddy just go to my site and click on fantasy. The story is at the bottom of the page!

Anyway little mushroom maddy as i call her is on ebay right now!
So check her out!

Have a wondeful weekend everyone!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Website UPDATED!!!!

Whoooooohooooooo heheheheh
I was able to add the new bow centers/beads to my site today!
there are some M2MGymbo and some Janie and jack.
Have fun checking them out!!!

I'll also be listing a few things on ebay this week as well!

The little fairie above will be listed! She is sitting on fools gold but she is NO FOOL:)

and also the little purple mushroom with the froggie on it!

I'll probably post them tomorrow sometime:) so be on the look out:)
always remember I LOVE COMMENTS! heheheheheh
so leave me some:)

until next time!
LOVE, HUGS, and have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New Auctions!

Happy Tuesday!!!

I have listed some new auctions on ebay today!
There are lot of little fairies on there!
I was able to make some over the holiday and I have to say it was alot of fuN!
There are alot more little fairies that are in the works as we speak too!
Be sure to check them out:)
I also have a couple auctions that will be ending in a few hrs.

I'm off to finish up some things then off to play outside with my little girly!

Have a beautiful day!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Wishing you all.....

a happy 4th of July!

Please be safe if you go anywhere!!!!

I've been adding some new goodies to my site the last couple days!
I have some fairies up and some new beads/centers, earrings

and some new bracelets! The one I am super excited about because Raina helped

me pick out the beads for it! I made the tile's but she picked out the accent beads!
I think she did pretty good:)

She was pretty proud of herself!


Sunday, June 28, 2009


The site is finally updated!
I'll probably be putting more figurines and bracelets up soon also!
But there are bow center/beads, sport ones, fairie, and gingers up right now:)
have fun looking!

Well its Officially summer!

Summer is here! Officially!
Tee ball games are almost over! Rain has one more tomorrow evening then she is done!
She has just LOVED playing tee ball!
And I have really enjoyed watching her!!!!
Even her grandparents have enjoyed it! He one grandpa hasn't hardly missed a game since we told them about it! He is usually the first one there! LOL He has really enjoyed it!
Its so neat!!!

I'll be updating the site HOPEFULLY TONIGHT! I have ALOT to put up!!!!
So be on the look out for that! I'll make a post here as soon as I get it all up and going!
There will be alot of new Beads/Bow centers added! along with some flatbacks for earrings!
I'm pretty excited! heheheheeheh

I also have some ebay auctions going on right now as welL!
There are 2 fairies and 1 little gingerbread!!!!

Until next time.....have a wonderful day!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Where does the time go?

Seriously!! LOL
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while....
Alot has happened since I last blogged......

My little girl is finally outta school for the summer:)
A couple days after that we lost a good friend of ours.
He may be gone but he'll never be forgotten.

Then that next week my little girl started tee ball!
Now for those of you that have never been to a tee ball game....let me tell you you HAVE to go see one! LOL
They are all learning and not sure of the whole concept of softball right!?
Well when Raina was up to bat....she hit the ball.....then started chasing the ball! We were all like RAINA!!!!!!!!!! RUN TO FIRST BASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL SHe stopped and looked at us like but I am suppose to get the ball! of all nights for me NOT to have my camera! ugggggggg........

It was priceless!!!!
She's had a lot of fun though!

I thought I would add a link to a tutorial I made a few years ago!!!!
Its pretty fun to make!
I hope you enjoy it and if any of you make it, I would LOVE to see some pictures!
Click on the picture to learn how to make it:)


Until next time............Have a good one:)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

M2MG Watermelon Picnic and Happy Hippo

Well the beads and centers are up to match those lines!
I just got them done and up today:)
I also have some made to match earring flatbacks and earrings as well to match this line!

I'll also be posting some new auctions!!!!
one is a cute little gingerbread:)

I just love how he turned out! or maybe its a she? I'm not really sure yet?
The ginger has been pretty shy and doesn't say too much......
But ginger is sure to bring a smile to your face!!!!

I'd love to hear any comments or anything!
So feel free to post:)
have a beautiful night:)!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy Memorial Weekend!!!

I just wanted to wish you all a happy and safe weekend!!!
If you are traveling please be careful!!!

We aren't doing much this weekend!
I'm going to finishing up some orders and work on some goodies for My little girls preschool teacher and her helper!
Its so hard for me to believe that the school yr is almost over!


Soon tee ball will be starting! That will be alot of fun:) h ehehehehehehe

I've updated the website a little today with some bow centers/beads and some earrings and flatbacks for earrings! I'll be adding some more to it possibly this weekend!

Have a beautiful weekend!
and if you are camping out or having a bon fire.......

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Yesterday I finally got a chance to update my website a little!
I've added some M2M bow centers/beads.

I also have a cute little bunny up for auction as well on ebay:)

I haven't had a lot of time to keep up with the site or anything else for that matter!
Been Claying away! heheheheh Or tryin to anyway.......

Well back to the clay table!

have a beautiful day everyone!!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers Day!

I just wanted to wish all you mommy's out there a very happy mothers day!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Story might learn something...heheheh

Alright so......Another fellow clay artist, Linda Peterson, told us in her blog that when you tell a story about a figurine you are kinda makes them come to life!
So naturally I had to try it....and It really does make the little one come to life.
While I was making this little froggie, I kinda stepped into his world a little! What would be like to be a frog.....what would your life be like, your feelings, your cares, your fears? It was kinda fun to make him come to life and to tell the story about him!
So maybe if you are working on a figurine.....try to think of a story to go with it!
You'll be surprised how much more lifelike it will become........ Thank you Linda for sharing this tip with us! I'll put it to good use:)
Here is my story......

Spring is just around the corner!Raina and I went outside the other day and took a walk.It was such a beautiful day! The birds are starting to come out and all the little critters! After our walk we went and played on her swingset. She just loves to play.As she got into her sand box she heard this Crrooooaaakkk."MOMMY!!!! What was that" she asked. I listened. "CROOOOAAAKKKK""hmmm sounds like a froggie sweetie!!!" "A frog? Ewwwwww frogs are yucky mommy!"The little frog was listening to what Raina had said.First he was a little upset that Raina thought he was yucky.He looked at his little froggie legs and thought to himself, I'm not yucky!So as he heard me explain that frogs ARE NOT YUCKY and that they are pretty cute, Raina started to think that maybe they were alright.But she was still unsure about it.So as the little frog kept listening......he looked around."Hmmmm what could I do to show her that I am not so bad after all? She is such a cutie and I really want to meet her! I mean we do share the same yard and all....."CRRRROOOOOOAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKK"That's it!!!!!!!!!!" He thought!He hopped over to the little flowers that were comming up and picked one.He hopped back over to the sandbox where Raina was sitting."CROOOOOOOOOAAAAAKKKKKKKKKK"She jumped a little because it scared her. And as she looked down, here he was with his cheesy little smile and a flower just for her!"MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY!!!! Look!! isn't he cute!" she yelled. Looking down I seen the cutest little cheesy smiled froggie."well that is your little froggie friend that you heard a few minutes ago, Raina!" She had the biggest smile on her face!"Frog's aren't so bad after all mommy! They are pretty cute! and Nice too!"

Moral of the story.....
Just because you have this impression of something or SOMEONE, it doesn't always mean you are right....You could be totally wrong! Things aren't always as they seem!
Sometimes you just have to take the time to notice!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Tuesday!

Well what a month! I had planned on blogging so many different times but well this
last month has been pretty busy!
From my little girly turning 5 to ALL of us getting sick!
We are finally all better and I am ready to blog!

I just got done updating my website! What a job that was! LOL
Good thing I enjoy it.
I've added some earrings, beads/bow centers, and some flat back so you can make your own earrings! I still have more I need to post......soon though!

Easter is now over and well to put it simple I am sooooooooooo ready for some warmer weather! LOL I am sure we ALL are!!!!!!!

Until next time.....take care!!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Friday!!!!

Wow so its finally friday! and I AM SOOOOOOOO GLAD!

Its been kinda a long week......
Anyway.....I will be putting up some new earrings on my site this weekend!
M2M's (Made to match's)

I've also been thinking about some other exciting things and I will post about it this weekend!
or maybe it will START this weekend!!!!!
It should be alot of fun!!!!!

Have a happy Friday!!!!!

Think SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009 there is this site called Blue fuzzy Slippers or
Its a pretty neat site! Its kinda like ebay, etsy, myspace, facebook, blogging, and all that wrapped into one site!
I have a my page there! But I am trying to get the nerve up to start selling there.
Its a pretty new site so they are still working on it from time to time but I think it will be a pretty big site!

It is fairly cheap to sell there as well!

If you do decide to start up a store could you please put my addy in the referal box?
Sorry to ask but if you don't want to that is alright:)

Right now you can even try a free store to see how it goes!
You have a limit of 10 items to see how it goes!

then if you want a store for a whole year its it only $25.00!
with no listing fees and no Final value fees!

I just wanted to spread the word on the FuzzB!
Looks pretty promising to me!


Saturday, February 14, 2009


Its the day of Love!!!
I had wanted to make Raina's valentine day or pre valentine day super special at school!
She was to have 3 carnations delievered to her and they were going to have a party!
And wouldn't you know it.....thursday night she came down with a high fever and she didn't get to go to school. She was so bummed out! I had forgotten about the flowers and her teacher called and wanted to know if I could pick them up for her so my mom went and got them for her!
And her teacher also sent her valentines for her.....she was sooooooooooo happy! and she started feeling better! and by lastnight the fever was GONE! The POWER OF LOVE!
Or maybe it was because her daddy got that teddy bear she had been wanting! heheheheheh
Today its snowing!! A pretty snow!
We aren't suppose to get much which is a good thing! LOL

I hope to get some new goodies up on my site this weekend!
Some new bow centers/beads and hopefully some new easter goodies!
We'll see though......

I do have some cute little bunny charms and a kitty charm over at ETSY! The link to that is on the right side there under Links to other cool sites!
3rd one down:)

Happy Valentines day to you ALL!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hello again....

Alright so now I am realizing I am not very good at this blog thing!
Everytime I sign in, I am like, I WILL DO BETTER this time and try to keep this blog flowing!
But everytime I dissappoint myself and I don't keep it up!

Valentines Day is comming soon! and then Easter! OMG! Where has this year gone! LOL
Its still a fresh new year yet it seems to be flying by as we speak!
Spring will be here soon and I can't WAIT! Its already in the 50's today and I went out and took a nice little walk! I am soooooooooooo ready for spring! Just to get these winter blues outta my system!!!!
So If I don't get a chance to say it.....I wish you all a
Happy valentines day!!!!
Be sure to look out for easter goodies! I'll be posting some new things on my site soon!